If you would like to order any products/Goods from our Online Shop, you can either:
a) Add an item/items to your shopping cart by adding quantity of required item and then clicking on the “add selected products to cart” box in the screen header. You have the option to cancel any items in your shopping cart prior to purchase, or you can return to the Online Shop and add further items as required. At the Checkout stage, you will be requested to create a Customer Profile or in the case of returning Customers, log into your account.
b) Telephone our office on 01561 320296 with your Enquiry/Order
c) Email us on sales@celtic-chords.co.uk with your Enquiry/Order.
We will notify you by email of the shipping of the Goods on the day of despatch.
Whichever way you choose to order, you will receive a prompt and friendly service from our sales staff.
Payment Options
We accept payment for purchase of Goods by most major credit/debit cards, bankers draft, cash or cheque in UK Sterling currency. Allow up to 12 working days for cheques to clear. It is not recommended to send cash through the post. Cheques should be made payable to Celtic Chords Ltd.
Customer’s Goods will be despatched promptly after payment of Goods/receipt of funds & we will endeavour to ship Customers orders (items in stock) within one to 2 working days. All Goods are offered for sale by us subject to being unsold at time of purchase by the Customer. Should ordered Goods be out of stock, we will contact the Customer via email or telephone, providing an estimated delivery date for the back order. The Customer may in this event choose whether or not to proceed with the purchase.
Carriage Terms
The postage and packing charges will be automatically added to your order at the Checkout stage based on cumulative weights of all items ordered.
Our packing/postage charges are based on nett cost by Royal Mail for small packages (books, CD’s etc) or Parcel Force for larger packages. All Orders over £300 will be shipped to mainland UK addresses carriage free.
For those destinations outwith the UK, the Goods will be despatched at a postage rate including “Advice of Delivery”. This is a simple form of delivery insurance, which normally eliminates postal pilferage. Customers in the UK may specify next day courier delivery at an additional cost. For overseas customers, please email us with your specific shipping requirements & we will confirm cost.
If possible, customers are advised to check goods on receipt for damage prior to signing delivery ticket, or if not practicable, mark the delivery ticket “unchecked”.
Returns Policy
In the event of receiving faulty or defective Goods, you should notify us by email or telephone within 3 working days of receipt of the Goods with specific nature of the fault/defect. The Goods should be returned to us in their original condition within 10 working days of receipt for repair, replacement or refund, and you should ensure the Goods are properly protected with original packing. Any carriage costs associated with return of faulty or defective Goods will be met by Celtic Chords Ltd.
If you are not satisfied with the Goods you purchase from our website, you can return them for refund within 7 days of receipt, provided they are received back by us in their unused, original and complete condition. In this event, the shipping (and any applicable insurance) costs shall be to the customer’s account.
We are unable to provide a refund on custom special orders, books or CD’s/DVD’S unless they are faulty/defective.
Non Delivery of Goods
In the event that your Goods are not delivered to you within 7 working days of the despatch date, you should notify us by email or telephone, otherwise we cannot accept responsibility for the lost Goods. We will notify you by email on the day of despatch of the Goods.
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All our instruments are correctly set up at the shop